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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Beautiful and Precious Mosques of the World

1. Kabba in Saudi Arabia

2. Al Aqsa in Jerusalem

3.Blue Mosque in Turkey

4. Brenui Mosque in Brenui

5. Faisal Mosque in Islamabad Pakistan

6. Istaqlala Mosque in Indonesia

7. Jamia Asr in Brunei

8. Kul Sharif Mosque Russia

9. Mashkhur Jusup Mosque Kazakhstan

10. Fatima Mosque Kuwait

Friends these mosques are our heritage. we should have some knowledge about this. hope so you will like these photos of mosques.
Share this with your friends.
God bless you.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Rare Pictures (Part 2)

Dear this is my second post i am going to share with all of you. These are some more interesting pictures for you. Hope so you will enjoy all these.

Hope so you enjoyed these pictures.
I will share more pictures with you in my coming posts. Just keep connecting.